Leavitt Law Firm Leavitt Law Firm

Can I Represent Myself in a Child Custody Case?

If you are entangled in a family law case, such as a divorce, legal separation, annulment, or paternity case, you may also be navigating a child custody dispute. It’s expensive to hire an attorney sometimes, which is why some people choose to represent themselves in court. If you are considering representing yourself, have you also considered the risks?

Risks of Representing Yourself in Family Court

A family law lawyer will know exactly what court documents to file and arguments to make. While a good attorney will also care about you and your case, they can also act as an objective, calm source of strength for you during the process. If you forgo your right to legal counsel and choose to represent yourself, you run the risk of:

  • Not fully understanding laws that affect your case
  • Not properly following (or understanding) court rules
  • Improperly filing and completing court documents
  • Becoming disheartened in the midst of your case
  • Coming to court unprepared
  • Losing your case

Ultimately, if you decide to represent yourself, there are helpful resources available for you. You should also try and consult with a reliable attorney; they should be able to advise you and help you generally understand the legalities of your case. Before choosing to represent yourself, consider:

  • How confident you are in your verbal and written communication skills
  • The complexity (or possible complexities) of your case
  • The amount of time you can devote to the case (i.e., conducting research, during daily business hours)
  • The other parent’s potential capacity to fight unfairly
  • Your response to high-stress or frustrating situations
  • How much of a fight both parties are prepared to put up

When to Hire a Las Vegas Child Custody Attorney

Whoever represents you in court will directly impact the outcome of your case. You want someone in your corner who is working to protect your interests as well as the best interest of your child.

A lot is on the line in child custody cases and getting a lawyer you can trust to represent you can do so much for your peace of mind. An experienced family law attorney will know how to help you with your child custody dispute, whether you need help with:

  • Drafting your child custody agreement
  • Contesting your child custody agreement
  • Voluntary or court-ordered mediation
  • Answering a specific question regarding your case (i.e., one party moving out of state or legally navigating holiday and school break visitation)

Looking for an aggressive, solution-oriented child custody attorney? Our legal team, at Leavitt Law Firm, is dedicated to walking with you through every step of your custody case. Please contact us online or via phone at (702) 996-6052 today. We’re here to offer a helping hand.

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